Property Division upon Separation or Divorce
The most crucial time to protect property and assets is upon separation or divorce. Property division refers to dividing property and assets, calculating net family property, completing financial statements and filing appropriate paperwork required by family courts. Some examples of property and assets to be divided upon separation or divorce include the matrimonial home, investment properties, businesses, savings, investments, pension and shares or stocks.
Our family lawyers have the knowledge, skills and experience to accurately assess net family property and to fairly divide property and assets in order to protect you and your family’s financial future.
We have the experience to craft innovative solutions that may stop short of going to court. If the matter cannot be resolved for whatever reason through negotiations, then our family lawyers will litigate on your behalf to obtain the property and assets to which you and your family are entitled.
Jagtoo & Jagtoo, Professional Corporation’s, family law practice includes:
Division of Property including the matrimonial home, RRSPs, pensions, stocks
Drafting and reviewing pre-nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements & separation agreements
Divorce, contested or uncontested
Spousal Support
Child Support and Special Expenses
Custody & Access
Restraining & Preservation orders
Independent Legal Advice on Agreements & Release
To determine your rights and entitlements, contact us at 905-604-6655 for a consultation with one of our family law lawyers.